
Frequently Asked

Boosturbrain is a group of teachers. In BoosturBrain, we make learning fun and building strong fundamentals with real-life examples, experiments, and videos. With boosturbrain children are able to answer questions objectively and don't have to mug up. This takes the stress out of learning, makes it a pleasing experience, and opens up the brain networks to lead to a stronger memory.

Boosturbrain has been designed based on the principle of integrative education: different branches of knowledge and skills have been taken into account. Boosturbrain helps the child to gain different experiences and skills from various branches of knowledge.

BoosturBrain gives you customized support for your child to help him in his academics. You are welcome to ask queries related to your child facing difficulty in understanding any specific concept in Math, Science, or English. Our team of experts will work on your query and will provide you the customized solution.

Go to our Expert Support section, fill the form and we will contact you. The first Expert Support is complimentary.

We would love to hear from you. Click on our feedback section (top right corner) or email us at boosturbraion.com@gmail.com to provide your valuable feedback. Your suggestion may help us to improve.

Yes, we believe every child is unique and needs to be handled individually.

The first expert support is free for registered users, thereafter you need to pay for each support separately.

Payment details will be shared on the registered email address, and you can make an online payment.

It will vary based on the support needed.

No, as of now we do not provide any physical study material, but we support you with tips on how to create activities using easily available materials, which can be used as a tool to help children understand the different concepts.